

 -  5 min read


It’s not new news that at the start of a new year, people from coast to coast gear up to make lifestyle changes. Whether that means getting in shape or landing that dream job, we are hyper-aware during this time of year of improving our physical and mental wellbeing. Good physical and mental health is a status symbol, thus, we are increasingly interested in products, services, treatments and experiences that help us prosper.

These days it’s about more than simply “health.” The scope of what it means to be in good health has expanded beyond the physical state and preventing illness, to experiences that promise enhanced wellbeing yet remain well designed, desirable, accessible and interesting. We’ve seen a rise in the practice of yoga, meditation and wellness retreats because we don’t want to wait until we “get sick” to become healthy. Rather, those who generally are in good health are embracing preventative activities and are increasingly prepared to pay a premium to get them.

Enter the Stir Kinetic Desk. This is more than just your run of the mill piece of office furniture. Designed, handcrafted and assembled in the United States, the Stir Kinetic Desk was developed to help you stay fit, energized and inspired at work. Priced at just under $4,000, the sleek desk is controlled by a built in touchscreen. With a simple double tap, the desk moves up or down. Embedded thermal sensors track calories burned, and in “Active Mode,” the desk rises and falls to remind the user to change positions. Over time, the Stir Kinetic Desk learns the user’s preference and adapts to his or her habits.

Additionally, online experiences foster our awareness of how we monitor our bodies and personal environments. New portable, affordable devices and apps enable better health and livelihood management. The desire to track our health is also linked to the reality that technologies enable consumers to better see, and therefore, understand information related to their health.

Striving for all-encompassing health is now rooted into our bodies and technologies. For brands, this means thinking about how to inject health benefits into everyday products. Consider the active baby boomers that are likely to remain active as they enter older age and how we have become accustomed to sharing every aspect of our lives online. Think attractive, stylish and modern yet easy to use and practical. Cheers to a wellthy 2014!

Examples of this trend:

Camp Grounded:¬†Camp Grounded¬†is a summer camp located in Anderson Valley, California,¬†organized¬†by US-based wellness retreat Digital Detox. Held in June, Camp Grounded is inspired by 1970’s boy scout camps where adult campers trade in technology for bunk beds, kickball, hiking and arts n’ crafts. Camp lasts four days and costs $570. Registration for summer 2014 is open.

Happier: Happier is a social gratitude journal combined with a positive community. Available online and for iOS, users keep track of the small happy moments during their day, sharing them with others in an effort to make everyone smile. The app is inspired by research that shows focusing on the positive and sharing good things can make individuals happier and healthier.

Screen Shot 2014-01-16 at 9.58.03 AMFood Tripping: Created by SHFT + Ford, the Food Tripping app locates healthy alternatives to fast food when you’re out and about and need a bite to eat. It locates the closest organic eateries, juice joints and farmers markets via GPS. Food Tripping was integrated into Ford’s digital command dashboard in fall 2013. The app is free and is available for iOS and Android.

Insignia Technologies: UK-based Insignia Technologies launched “smart” labels that monitor food quality. The labels have been incorporated into packaging lids and are activated when the product is opened, changing color as the food looses freshness.