88 Questions

Get to Know Elizabeth

 -  5 min read

Welcome to 88 Questions, the newest feature on our Think page. To let you get to know our team a little better, we tasked each 88er with coming up with a series of questions for somebody else in the agency. The results are fascinating, funny and sometimes, we hope, enlightening.

Here, our renowned food blogger/Associate Creative Director poses questions to our kale-loving Group Account Director.

So, on the one hand, you are known around the office as a fairly major baker. On the other, you apparently never eat a lunch that doesn’t include kale. How would you describe your approach to food?

While I very much appreciate a fine-dining experience, I typically don’t go for fussy food when I cook. Generally I use the freshest ingredients available, ideally from a local organic farmer, and keep the preparation simple to maintain much of the ingredients original form and flavor. When I’m treating myself, I make it count and get the best there is to offer. Might I suggest the almond croissant at Floriole in Lincoln Park?

A number of people at 88 have connections to Michigan, but you are Pure Michigan¬Æ. What do you wish more people knew about your beloved home state? What hopes/dreams do you have for Michigan’s future?

I think the word has spread about how beautiful the state of Michigan is. While I’m in full support of the tourism growth, I hope not too many people find out about my secret spots! My hope is that people continue to be excited about the opportunities and the growth in the state, specifically in Detroit. There have been quite a few new restaurants and shop openings and it’s created an excitement and recovery downtown after many years of downturn. I think Detroit right now is attracting a lot curiosity from younger people and that will continue to foster growth. Detroiters don’t give up easily and will continue to build the city back up.

You have also been known to travel beyond Michigan on occasion. What is one of your most memorable non-Michigan travel moments? What new destination is on your must-see list?

I’m lucky enough to have had quite a few memorable experiences traveling, but if I look back at the past year, I would have to say experiencing Mexico, specifically the Baja peninsula for the first time. I experienced the vibe of the country wholeheartedly while eating cactus tacos, tasting mezcal, walking the beach and paddleboarding the rough seas of the Pacific Ocean.

We all know Work Elizabeth here at the agency (she’s awesome, by the way). But who is Weekend Elizabeth? What’s a typical Saturday or Sunday for you? Or for that matter, what’s an ideal day off for you?

Weekend Elizabeth is much more chill than workweek Elizabeth, ha! Ideally I like to have one relaxed morning where I cook eggs—preferably poached, my favorite breakfast food—enjoy a good cup of locally roasted coffee and catch up on some cooking shows. The rest of the day usually involves a run on the 606, dinner out at a new place (with wine of course!) and probably some baking.